Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s

Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s
Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s

Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s

Some packages might have signs of ware, minor defects. Although the toys look intact inside the packages but might be small breakage. We can't guarantee the figures that are kinetic will move freely. They described new because the items are still sealed in their original boxes. If you want more photos or condition inspection let us know.

Lot 23 Vtg X-Men Toy Figures The Original Mutant Super Heros Toy Biz Marvel 90s

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